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Savannah Foutch

Savannah Foutch smiling
  • Major(s)
    RA Street Team

Savannah Foutch

What made you want to be a #49erRA and how has the role prepared you for life after college?

Being a 49er RA is finding new communities with your peers and residents. My first semester as an RA, my group of coworkers was a great community to be a part of. People were always ready to go do something new and plan new events for residents. It was super fun to get to know my residents as their RA, each new person had a new story to tell and added value to the building community. Between my coworkers and my residents, the community is unbeatable. My team and residents this year are incredible, and I'm super excited to continue this amazing journey with new amazing people for years to come.

How do you manage your academics with your job?

I personally use a spreadsheet I made with all of my assignments to manage my academics while being an RA. I find time management is really important in managing being a successful student while also being an RA. I like to keep myself organized in a specific way, and one of the ways is making a spreadsheet of every assignment at the beginning of the semester. By doing this, I am able to know everything I have coming up and I am able to prepare for it around my RA duties.

Why do you recommend living on campus to other students?

I recommend living on campus for the community you get to be a part of. Being a resident, you are able to connect with other students easily and have an RA, who you can go to with questions or if you need resources. Being a resident also brings you closer to campus and classes.

What have you learned about yourself and others since starting the RA position?

I've learned that I know more than I thought I did. Gaining more knowledge from each interaction with residents and every new situation, I now feel incredibly confident in my ability to know what to do and where to direct people.