Interested in a Housing Tour?
We are currently offering the following tour options:
- Admissions On-Campus Tour: Visit consists of a brief presentation by Admissions. Information about admissions requirements, academic programs and housing will be covered. A campus tour will follow which includes a tour of a residence hall. This option requires advance registration. Register now via the Admissions website.
- Appointment: If you'd like to tour a few of our housing options while you are on campus, schedule an appointment for a housing tour of select buildings by signing up here.
Virtual Tours
Can't make it to campus for an in-person tour? You have a few options:
- Join Admissions for a 60-minute Zoom information session led by an Admissions Counselor and a virtual campus tour hosted by a Niner Guide student. Register now via the Admissions website.
- Check out virtual tours of ALL our halls here.
- Explore an Interactive Map of campus here. Click around this interactive map to learn more about campus and our residence halls.