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Campus Resources

Cashel Gattens

Cashel Gattens smiling
  • Major(s)
    RA Street Team

Cashel Gattens

What made you want to be a #49erRA and how has the role prepared you for life after college?

Being a 49er RA is such a unique experience! It may be a little chaotic at times but it allows you to meet so many people in your community. You get to meet all of the people who live in your building and get to learn so much about different people! You also get to know and become friends with other RAs from your hall and other halls! I absolutely love being a 49er RA as it has given me so many unique experiences and opportunities that have made my time here at Charlotte so much fun!

How do you manage your academics with your job?

I often handle my academics with my job through a lot of planning. Google Calendar is a great resource for all students to use but especially student staff. You can have all of your class times in Google Calendar as one color assignment due dates, staff meetings, duty nights, and even events you are hosting or want to attend!

Why do you recommend living on campus to other students?

Living on campus allows you to be so much closer to the action! You are able to wake up and walk to class, walk and meet up with your friends, and you have access to events that your Resident Advisors throw for the hall! you have so many resources and modes of transportation right at the tip of your fingers and living on campus really lets you use all of that!

What have you learned about yourself and others since starting the RA position?

I have learned a lot about myself since becoming an RA. I learned that I love the challenge! Learning all of your residents' names, handling situations at the most random times, and getting creative when planning events or creating bulletin boards. I have also learned that many people are intimidated to speak with their RA, but I have been trying to work and break the barrier that all RAs are strictly business in residents' eyes, we are students as well and just work to make your residence hall a safe and welcoming place!