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Alexis Drake

Alexis Drake smiling
  • Major(s)
    RA Street Team

Alexis Drake

What made you want to be a #49erRA and how has the role prepared you for life after college?

Being a 49er RA is an amazing opportunity that has allowed me to grow and develop as a person as well as a leader. It allows you to make connections and develop friendships with an array of people that you may have never met before. While also allowing you to learn about your leadership skills and impactful ways to use them when building communities in your residence hall.

How do you manage your academics with your job?

I manage my academic life by organizing all my responsibilities via Google Calendar. This allows me to stay on top of my due dates both as a Resident Advisor and as a student.

Why do you recommend living on campus to other students?

Living on campus is a great opportunity to connect with other students here at the university. It allows residents to be a part of a community in the residence hall they are a part of and create connections and friendships across campus. The experience also allows residents to get used to living away from home and being responsible for themselves.

What have you learned about yourself and others since starting the RA position?

This position has taught me that I am capable of so much more than I would have imagined before becoming an RA. I learned how important it is to build a strong community where people feel safe and comfortable no matter what their background or personal beliefs are. As well as how much I love to make a difference in others’ lives in whatever way that I can.