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Campus Resources
A person shown accessing their room on campus

Safety in Your Personal Space

Your living space and your personal space intersect; safety in one involves safety in the other, so you may notice that some topics in the living space area are also mentioned in this personal space page. We've said it before, and it bears repeating: Safety and security start with you. The Housing and Residence Life security hardware is only as good as YOU allow it to be. Simple things such as locking your door, not propping doors open, not allowing non-residents to enter the building as you do, going out in groups, and keeping track of your keys/cards and ID card are important security precautions that take little time but maximize your personal security. Residents can maximize their personal security by remembering to proceed with caution in and around their living environment.

Likewise, the University safety and security precautions, procedures and suggested behaviors can only keep you safe when you know and follow them. When walking anywhere on campus, you should always stay alert and be aware of your surroundings. Walk with your head up, looking around you for things like broken pavement, objects in your path, low-hanging branches, and last but by no means least, people who seem to be paying attention to you. You've heard it before, but let us remind you, that if you're busy talking on your cell phone to the exclusion of all else, you are putting yourself at risk. Talk if you must, but do not neglect to keep your attention (your eyes, your awareness) on what's around you.

NEVER walk anywhere on campus after dark alone. If you can't find someone to go with you, avail yourself of UNC Charlotte's SafeRide Program.

Make it a habit to visually locate the nearest "Blue Light" station from your position as you cross campus, in case you need to get there in a hurry. There are nearly 300 of these installed all over the campus (map of all "Blue Light" locations on campus). There are too many to memorize, but check the map for the Blue Lights closest to your most frequented areas.

Use the campus shuttle whenever possible on weekdays, particularly in winter months or if the weather is bad. Hey, it's FREE! See the schedules.

If you're walking to your car in the parking lot, be especially attentive to any people who are out there at the same time. Keep looking around you, so that no stranger may approach too closely without your being aware he/she is there. More parking lot and auto safety tips...

Also in the realm of personal safety are issues such as crime, accident, illness, emergencies and fires. There are policies and procedures in place for dealing with each of these eventualities. In the normal course of your University experience, you will likely not encounter any, many or most of these things, but you should familiarize yourself with what to do if these should happen to you. Read over the following information, and specifically think of what you would do in the event.

Entry Into Your Residential Building

Additional details concerning your residential building safety and security.

Other Personal Safety Topics

University Police

University Police officers patrol the campus and are available to respond to calls 24 hours a day. In an emergency situation affecting the safety of University residents or property, the police should be notified at x72200 or x911. If at any time you fell threatened with physical harm, contact the University Police immediately. If you are outside, look for one of the "Blue Light" call stations and run to it to instantly communicate with Campus Police.

Medical Emergencies and Injuries

In the event of an injury or illness which requires medical attention, contact University Police at x72200 or x911. As you call, collect as much specific information as possible (names, location, and nature of injury) to give to the police. They will instruct you accordingly. when time allows, please contact your RA, RM, GA, or RC for further assistance.


Should you be the victim of theft or other crimes, contact the University Police immediately. Your RC may be able to offer you further assistance. If your ID card and/or room keys are stolen you need to report it IMMEDIATELY to prevent someone from using those to enter your building and room.

Building Evacuation Procedures, Bomb Threats, Evacuation Procedures

Directions can be found in the Resident Handbook.


Fire protection equipment (alarm pull stations, fire extinguishers/hoses,etc.) is located in each residential area. If abused this equipment will not be functional in the event of a fire, thereby endangering the lives of many people. Please read more about specific details concerning setting fires or causing a false fire alarm in your Residents Handbook. Knowing and following these procedures may save your life in the event of a fire. When a fire alarm is sounded (by smoke, another person, or otherwise), always take the fire alarm seriously and assume there is a fire. All persons are required to immediately evacuate the building. Failure to evacuate will result in a $50 charge.

Tips To Reduce The Chances of Being Robbed

  • Save time! Store or program the UNC Charlotte Police phone number (704?687?2200) on your cell to quickly dial for on campus emergency assistance (NOTE: Dialing 911 on non campus phones directs calls only to off-campus police agencies, which in turn must reroute your call to UNC Charlotte PD.)
  • Take advantage of free or inexpensive self-defense and crime prevention programs and services offered on campus. For details, click on and look under the “Community-Oriented Policing” section.
  • To reduce the chances of being targeted, walk/jog/bike in groups of three or more in well-lighted and well-traveled areas.
  • Stay close together in those groups. Don’t walk a few feet ahead or behind where companions may lose sight or cannot clearly hear what is going on.
  • If you are driving and believe you are being followed, continue driving to a well lit and populated area or a police/fire station for assistance.
  • Avoid talking to or passing near strangers. If you feel uneasy, go to the nearest lighted, populated, safe place or to the nearest “Blue Light” phone.
  • Stay aware and sober. Intoxication lowers your awareness and slows your reaction time. Carrying alcohol or exhibiting “tipsy” behavior may make you appear as a potential target.
  • Avoid using headphones, i-Pods, or cell phones. They distract and are popular robbery items.
  • Avoid flashing cash or jewelry. Wait until you are inside a safe place/event to put flashy or expensive jewelry on.
  • Use one of nearly 300 "Blue Light" emergency phones to report suspicious activities or persons at any time of day or night.
