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James Braman

James Braman smiling
  • Major(s)
    RA Street Team

James Braman

What made you want to be a #49erRA and how has the role prepared you for life after college?

It is incredibly rewarding to be a 49er RA. My RA played a big role in helping me adjust to the college experience and now I get the opportunity to pay that forward. My favorite part of the job is getting to build a relationship with my residents and enriching their college experience by hosting events, connecting them to resources, and just being a witness to their growth over an academic year.

How do you manage your academics with your job?

Keeping a calendar/agenda has been essential. Google Calendar is my go-to as it has all my work meetings, program times, classes, and even assignment due dates listed out to help me stay on track throughout the semester. My supervisor also regularly checks in with me during our individual meetings to offer support, accommodation, etc so that I am not too overwhelmed by either side of my responsibilities.

Why do you recommend living on campus to other students?

I recommend living on campus to others because of the convenience of truly being able to access all that the campus has to offer. You’re closer to classes, dining halls, gym, health center, etc. Plus, it’s a great way to meet other students and connect with the larger campus community.

What have you learned about yourself and others since starting the RA position?

Since starting as an RA, I’ve gotten the opportunity to learn a lot about myself. I’ve learned about my own potential as a student leader and role model. I’ve also learned how I operate within a staff team and how to work alongside a variety of different personalities and the willingness to adapt that comes with that. Most importantly, I’ve learned that there will always be opportunities for me to continue to grow not only as a professional but as a person.